Friday, October 26, 2007


As you can see from the pics, Shel had quite the hunting expirience, to say the least. He went hunting with Tex to Tony's Groove last weekend and did not have a very good time. First they lost Tex, he ended up following a trail that lead him onto the Canyon Hwy and had to hitch hike back to camp. Then they got hit with a bad storm, while they were in the mountains hunting, on the way back to camp they got really cold and had to stop to make a fire. They made it out okay. Sunday Shel was on his way home and the roads were very slick from the storm, he was only going 15 MPH and started to slide, he tapped his brakes, but because he was going so slow his truck quit. He couldn't steer and his horse trailer (with 5 horses) started to fishtail out of control, and he went off. He was very lucky that the trees stopped him from rolling.

He was scared mostly for his horses. He couldn't get them out because the tree was in the way. Luckily the search and rescue team had set up a command post in Tony"s Groove for a man who had gone missing. So they were right there to help him. He got all horses out okay, they are very sore, but no major injuries. Sheldon is also okay. We feel very blessed that it was not worse than it was.


Jaci said...

I am so glad you are alright Sheldon. Thank goodness the horses are okay too. Sorry that happened.-- no fun at all!

JO said...

Yikes! Sheldon told me about his experience when I talked to him the to the other day but it is nice to actually see pictures of it. I tried to visualize what had happened, but that is a pretty scary thing to imagine. I'm glad he is okay. I love all the recent posts! Keep the posts coming! I like to see what is going on in your life. Amber Richards blog is:
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